Another crummy day in paradise. As per my previous post, the day dawned with clear skies and a temperature that ranged from about 60 in the morning to 65 in the afternoon. The beach was absolutely stunning. We walked about a mile down the sand.
Near the beginning of our walk, a gent with four dogs appeared on the beach. One of the dogs was a beagle, which came running toward us and had Lulu in a panic. In case I haven't mentioned it before, Lulu was traumatized by some bigger dogs at a doggy daycare center when she was a puppy, and she suffers a good deal of anxiety when other dogs appear.
I picked Lulu up, when I saw the beagle making a beeline for us. The owner showed up pretty soon with a leash and apologies. All of his dogs seemed rather friendly, so I gingerly introduced Lulu to them. She got right in there with the sniffing that dogs like to do and had a great time. We had a similar experience with a dog in our neighborhood about a week ago. We are beginning to think that Lulu can learn to control her fear of other dogs. Wouldn't that be great?
It appears that we missed a big event over the weekend. The best I can figure out (from banners on the light poles) is that it was a Long Board Surfing competition and beer fest. There were still a lot of surfers on the beach this morning, and there was a big tent set up near the dory launch parking lot.

At any rate, the weather couldn't have been more beautiful, and our beach walk was the highlight of the morning. When we got back to Topper, the dogs promptly crashed on the sofa. Taking advantage of the "kids' nap time" we walked back to the Stimulus Coffee shop and had a nice chat over some very good coffee. This is really quite a lovely town for doing tourist things.
The afternoon was given over to reading that mystery I mentioned in my last post. It is a page turner for sure. Jill is reading another mystery by the same author, so we were both quite content. Ahhhh...can't wait to find out what God has in store for us tomorrow.
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